Two ABU bulls moved to Solling-Vogler, Germany

The Naturpark Solling-Vogler in Lower Saxony, Germany, is a large nature park in Germany which uses Heck cattle and Exmoor ponies for extensive grazing on open areas and in the forest for conservational reasons. The nature park has a rich biodiversity and very beautiful landscape (I haven't visited it in person yet). 
I came to know this park through this nice NDR documentary. The herd there was already influenced by Taurus crossbreeds, visible in a number of individuals. Some cows, for example, show a body shape and "fighting spirit" reminiscent of Lidia and are probably crossbred with this breed. The old breeding bull, see here, is an obvious crossbreed too - based on its looks, I guess that it is one quarter or one eighth Chianina, the rest Heck. 

According to the ABU News, two bulls have been purchased from the Lippeaue and been moved into the reserve recently in order to improve the authenticity of the Heck herd there. I am always happy to hear that bulls from the Lippeaue are being chosen as breeding bulls on other locations, as it will slowly improve the overall quality of the Heck/Taurus population in Germany as a whole. 


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