
Showing posts from March, 2018

New photos of Tauros cattle from 2017 and 2018

A s the primary webpresence of the Tauros Programme is not very comprehensive considering their multiple herds and crossbreeding results, one has to pick together information and picture material from all possible kinds of other sources. In this case, someone else did it for me and I want to present some of the photos here.  The identity (that is, ancestry and breed combination) of 99% of the individuals is not evaluable for non-members of the Tauros Programme, and I have become quite tired of trying to make guesses based on the animals' look what kind of combination they might be, because having experiences in looking at crossbreeds of aurochs-like cattle will tell you it is nearly impossible. However, in some cases where it is a bit less unclear I will share my thoughts/suspicions with you, but at the disclaimer that it could always be something completely different.  Maashorst ©Bert van Zijderveld This the Maashorst bull. Breed combination is unknown to the public, but it m...

Two more calves for the Auerrindprojekt

T wo more calves for the Auerrind project have been born . They were born by two Chianina cows (one of them is La Nova with a withers height of 165cm) and the father is Leo, one of the two Sayaguesa bulls of the project. So the calves are Sayaguesa x Chianina, a combination that has already produced a number of interesting animals in the Lippeaue (see here or here ). One calf is male and the other one female. Therefore, theoretically, F2 of this interesting and promising combination are possible in about three years. The genetic basis would be comparably narrow as it would be the result of the mating of halfblood-siblings, but as the parental generation is composed of two non-related breeds, the genetic basis should be or at least might be broader than between two randomly selected average Frisians or Fleckvieh. And diversity can still be added in later generations.  A comprehensive report on the current state of the breeding herds of the project is about to come according to Clau...