Hybridization as a perspective for breeding-back?
S ometimes commenters on my blog ask me on what I think about the idea of using extant, wild cattle species for breeding an accurate aurochs substitute. One could even go further and try to replace the aurochs with other, related bovine species instead of “breeding-back” results and/or dedomesticated cattle. For other exterminated species that did not leave domestic descendants this option is considered (such as using extant water buffalo for Bubalus murrensis ). However, domestic cattle are probably way closer to the aurochs in behaviour and ecology than extant wild bovines (see here). Nevertheless these could be used in order to obtain wild traits that domestic cattle lack altogether or to increase the fitness for survival in nature instead of waiting for those traits to re-develop via dedomestication. There is a good chance that the aurochs shared some wild traits or even the same alleles with its closely related species that domestic cattle have lost, and they could re-enter the g...