Anonymous comments + Teaser
M y blog has recieved almost 600 comments by now, which is awesome. I appreciate each of them and am thankful for the vivid interest in my posts! But one thing is that a lot of commenters here write anonymous comments. That's not a problem per se, but confuses me because I don't know with how many people I am dealing with and who I wrote something already or not, with the result that I wrote the same stuff multiple times. That's a bit impractical. Therefore I would like to ask my commenters to pick a consistant name for their comments, just for me to know who I am dealing with to maintain a useful mode of communication. When posting, there is a function "Comment as" where you have a lot of options - one of them is "name/URL" where you can type just any jibberish as "name" if you prefer not to reveal your true identity. Or you could simply write your name or "name" below or above your actual text in the comment. I prefer pseudonymous o...